Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 1    Grade  C   (550)  Time: 30.44                              
Mv Hoover        76  3 1 1 4  1 5  1 6     30.44 10.40 Extended Lead Mid                                                            
Jt's Night Train 80  8 3 2 4  2    2 6     30.88 20.20 Followed Leader Thru O                                                       
L's Kimberly     63  4 6 6 15 5    3 7     30.95 *2.50 Long Gradual Drive                                                           
Ww Not Too Bossy 75  1 7 3 9  3    4 7½    30.96 2.90  Moderate Pace Mid                                                            
Flying Bullrider 79  7 4 4 10 4    5 8     31.01 3.30  Never Prominent Mid                                                          
Mai Tai Special  61½ 6 2 8 17 6    6 11    31.28 12.50 Mimove No Factor Wide                                                        
Snitch           79  5 8 7 16 7    7 16    31.62 13.10 Even Effort Mid                                                              
Electric Susie Q 55  2 5 5 14 8    8 18    31.75 4.20  Weakened Midrace                                                             
Xtrem Hess Racing's W.T.& Bd. M 3/11/2018 Flying Fired Up x Flying Shu                                                              
3 Mv Hoover         22.80   10.60   5.20     Quin        (3-8)        $105.80                                                       
8 Jt's Night Train          14.40   14.40    Tri          (3-8-4)     $1,784.40                                                     
4 L's Kimberly                      3.40     Sup          (3-8-all-al $766.00                                                       
1 Ww Not Too Bossy                                                                                                                  
Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 2    Grade  B   (550)  Time: 30.57                              
Raider Sweep     66  8 2 2 5  2    1 3     30.57 *2.50 Stalked Leader Driving                                                       
Nakia            69  7 1 1 5  1 1  2 3     30.76 3.70  Large Lead Weakened                                                          
Lr Ila           66  1 5 3 12 3    3 6     31.01 7.20  Even Effort Mid                                                              
Turbo Gifford    69  5 8 4 16 4    4 7     31.04 10.10 Failed To Fire Ins                                                           
Oaks Nitro Nan   57  2 4 5 17 5    5 11    31.37 9.20  Jostled Rival Wide                                                           
Super C Tru Jude 62  3 6 6 21 6    6 13    31.49 4.70  Never Varied Outs                                                            
Prairie Day      58  6 3 7 28 7    7 21    32.09 4.50  Pushed Wide 1st Turn                                                         
Special Counsel  71  4 7 8 31 8    8 27    32.47 11.70 Shuffled Wide 1st Turn                                                       
Brindle's Brindle M 5/3/2018 Sh Avatar x Oakland Wrap Up                                                                            
8 Raider Sweep      7.00    3.80    2.80     Quin        (7-8)        $17.40                                                        
7 Nakia                     4.20    3.00     Tri          (8-7-1)     $123.60                                                       
1 Lr Ila                            4.00     Sup          (8-7-1-5)   $355.20                                                       
5 Turbo Gifford                                                                                                                     
Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 3    Grade  D   (550)  Time: 30.81                              
Obsessive        67  1 1 1 1  1 3  1 2     30.81 3.50  Held Comfortable Cushi                                                       
Bgr Hiway Tohell 73  8 5 3 3  2    2 2     30.95 *1.70 Midmove Driving Ins                                                          
Steal My Show    72  6 8 5 5  3    3 2½    30.98 7.10  Midmove Evened Out                                                           
Js Poetrynmotion 65  7 7 6 6  4    4 7     31.31 10.80 Some Middle Move Mid                                                         
Tahas Limited    64  5 6 7 7  6    5 9     31.43 11.30 Gradually Advanced                                                           
Jax Fantsi       58  2 2 4 4  5    6 9     31.44 4.90  Steady Decline Mid                                                           
Start Me         67  4 4 8 9  8    7 11    31.61 9.40  Out Of It Early Ins                                                          
Kelsos Coconut   62  3 3 2 1  7    8 11    31.62 9.60  Weakened Backstretch                                                         
Oxbow-trow's Red F 8/29/2016 Kc And All x Livin Ona Prayer                                                                          
1 Obsessive         9.00    4.00    3.00     Quin        (1-8)        $13.00                                                        
8 Bgr Hiway Tohell          2.80    2.40     Twin Tri 1st(1-8-6)      $80.80                                                        
6 Steal My Show                     3.80     Sup          (1-8-6-7)   $657.60                                                       
7 Js Poetrynmotion                           Pick Three (                                                                           
Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 4    Grade  B   (550)  Time: 30.57                              
Bgr Iron Man     71  4 1 1 2  1 4  1 3½    30.57 3.60  Never In Doubt Ins                                                           
T's Empire       78  1 2 3 4  3    2 3½    30.81 6.90  Late Drive Into Place                                                        
Kilo Mad Man     70  3 3 5 6  4    3 6     30.98 10.10 Gradual Advance Ins                                                          
Jd Belfry        80  2 5 2 2  2    4 6     31.00 4.10  Forced Pace No Rally                                                         
Tr's Rufus       77  7 7 7 10 6    5 6½    31.03 *2.50 Advanced Position                                                            
Flying Frogger   76  6 4 4 5  5    6 7½    31.10 5.90  Steady Retreat Mid                                                           
Killer Taima     63  5 8 8 11 7    7 11    31.36 17.60 Failed To Fire Ins                                                           
Immortalist      75  8 6 6 9  8    8 11    31.38 6.70  Remained In Rear Ins                                                         
Boeckenstedt's Bk. M 7/15/2018 Boc's Tony Romo x Boc's Tomboy                                                                       
4 Bgr Iron Man      9.20    4.00    3.00     Quin        (1-4)        $38.80                                                        
1 T's Empire                8.00    3.80     Tri          (4-1-3)     $543.40                                                       
3 Kilo Mad Man                      4.00     Sup          (4-1-3-all) $294.40                                                       
2 Jd Belfry                                                                                                                         
Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 5    Grade  D   (550)  Time: 31.09                              
Jt's Double Slot 64  1 1 1 1  1 3  1 4     31.09 2.40  With Authority Mid                                                           
Superior Presley 68  8 8 4 7  3    2 4     31.36 3.20  Moving Forward Thru Ou                                                       
Jameson Whiskey  72  5 2 2 1  2    3 6     31.49 12.00 Forced Pace Tiring                                                           
Angelina Love    62  7 4 3 6  4    4 8     31.66 35.10 Held On For Money                                                            
Awol Axl Rose    80  2 6 6 9  6    5 8½    31.68 *2.30 Finished Willingly Ins                                                       
Cbj Martina      58  3 5 5 8  5    6 8½    31.69 5.30  Wide Route No Factor                                                         
Bgr Gangster     70  6 3 8 11 7    7 10    31.85 7.30  Little Impact Ins                                                            
Jax Miracle      56  4 7 7 10 8    8 17    32.34 27.20 Lagged Behind Ins                                                            
Xtrem Hess Racing's Dk.bd. F 5/11/2018 Xkt Dave Turin x Flying Rosetta                                                              
1 Jt's Double Slot  6.80    3.60    2.60     Quin        (1-8)        $13.00                                                        
8 Superior Presley          3.80    2.60     Tri          (1-8-5)     $380.40                                                       
5 Jameson Whiskey                   6.40     Sup          (1-8-5-7)   $1,611.80                                                     
7 Angelina Love                              Twin Tri Car                                                                           
Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 6    Grade  C   (550)  Time: 30.87                              
Advantage        84  6 4 2 3  2    1 ½     30.87 3.10  Gained Front Dug In Mi                                                       
Brc Justin       82  4 2 1 3  1 1  2 ½     30.92 4.00  Always A Major Threat                                                        
Bgr J In To Deep 78  3 1 3 6  3    3 1½    30.98 6.40  Held Steady Wide                                                             
Keep On Rockin   60  1 3 5 9  5    4 5     31.20 *2.60 Middle Of The Pack                                                           
Superior Parker  70  8 8 7 13 7    5 7½    31.40 8.80  Late Speed No Factor                                                         
Mv Windy Landon  68  2 6 4 7  4    6 8½    31.46 11.30 Gaveway Late Inside                                                          
Oaks Lobo Lenny  70  7 7 6 10 6    7 9     31.49 29.90 Failed To Fire Ins                                                           
Hl's Felicia     62  5 5 8 14 8    8 11    31.67 4.60  Showed Little Mid                                                            
Oxbow-trow's Fawn M 8/17/2017 Kc And All x Leslie Shay                                                                              
6 Advantage         8.20    4.80    3.60     Quin        (4-6)        $39.60                                                        
4 Brc Justin                4.20    3.60     Tri Super 1s(6-4-3)      $128.40                                                       
3 Bgr J In To Deep                  3.60     Sup          (6-4-3-1)   $343.00                                                       
1 Keep On Rockin                                                                                                                    
Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 7    Grade  A   (550)  Time: 30.25                              
Jd Ghost In You  75  6 1 1 6  1 6  1 6½    30.25 *0.50 With Relative Ease Ins                                                       
Raider Shiver    70  1 2 2 6  2    2 6½    30.71 12.20 Best Of The Rest Mid                                                         
Xt's Nathan      71  2 3 3 7  3    3 9½    30.91 19.40 Held Position Mid                                                            
Alloperations Go 75  7 5 5 10 5    4 10    31.00 27.00 Late Rush For Money                                                          
Stavonger        81  3 4 4 9  4    5 11    31.03 9.20  Lacked Needed Rally In                                                       
Superior Kaya    60  5 8 7 13 7    6 14    31.30 7.30  Failed To Respond Ins                                                        
Imarkjudyblueeye 64  8 7 6 11 6    7 17    31.44 11.20 Never Involved Mid                                                           
Superior Tina    61  4 6 8 17 8    8 17    31.47 6.00  Little Impact Ins                                                            
Brindle's W.& Dk.Bd. M 8/30/2017 Kc And All x Jd Happy Tears                                                                        
6 Jd Ghost In You   3.00    2.80    2.40     Quin        (1-6)        $17.40                                                        
1 Raider Shiver             7.20    4.00     Tri          (6-1-2)     $125.20                                                       
2 Xt's Nathan                       5.60     Sup          (6-1-2-7)   $497.20                                                       
7 Alloperations Go                                                                                                                  
Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 8    Grade  D   (550)  Time: 30.83                              
Kevin Greene     77  6 1 1 6  1 5  1 6     30.83 10.00 In A Romp Mid                                                                
Xb Big Cheese    68  4 4 3 7  2    2 6     31.27 4.90  Settled Into Place Mid                                                       
Keeper Go Jenny  67½ 1 2 2 6  3    3 8     31.40 4.00  Never Varied Inside                                                          
Buzz The Tower   77  3 5 4 9  4    4 8½    31.42 *1.70 Moderate Pace Ins                                                            
Tuned Up N Ready 67  7 7 7 13 5    5 10    31.55 21.10 Middle Move No Factor                                                        
Rf Jasper        79½ 8 6 5 10 6    6 11    31.66 4.80  Showed Little Ins                                                            
Bgr Cant C Itoi  69  2 3 6 11 7    7 12    31.69 5.50  Gradual Retreat Ins                                                          
Raider Revere    71  5 8 8 15 8    8 13    31.78 22.90 Failed To Fire Mid                                                           
Jade Feise Kennel's R F M 6/7/2017 Djays Octane x Krazy Kara                                                                        
6 Kevin Greene      22.00   8.60    5.00     Quin        (4-6)        $66.20                                                        
4 Xb Big Cheese             7.60    3.40     Tri          (6-4-1)     $367.60                                                       
1 Keeper Go Jenny                   4.40     Sup          (6-4-1-3)   $1,187.10                                                     
3 Buzz The Tower                             Tri Super Ca                                                                           
Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 9    Grade  C   (550)  Time: 30.89                              
Bgr Last Call    72  8 4 1 8  1 7  1 3     30.89 4.80  Rushed Up And Gone                                                           
Santas Lil Ho Ho 55  1 1 2 8  2    2 3     31.09 10.20 Closed Margin Late                                                           
Ad Cliff Swallow 64  5 6 6 15 6    3 12    31.74 3.20  Finished With A Flurry                                                       
Samboya's Blake  81  2 2 3 9  3    4 12    31.75 20.00 Never Prominent Ins                                                          
Wild Hoss Man    72  7 7 4 12 5    5 12    31.77 8.20  Little Impact Ins                                                            
Raider Slap      70  4 8 7 21 7    6 12    31.79 7.30  Out Of It Early Mid                                                          
Deputy Festus    70  3 3 5 14 4    7 13    31.86 *2.50 Threat Til Stretch Ins                                                       
Ad Coopers Hawk  66  6 5 8    8    8       91.00 4.40  Fell 1st Turn                                                                
Boeckenstedt's F. M 5/24/2018 Superior Panama x Boc's Posh Spice                                                                    
8 Bgr Last Call     11.60   4.60    3.80     Quin        (1-8)        $37.40                                                        
1 Santas Lil Ho Ho          7.00    4.40     Tri          (8-1-5)     $710.00                                                       
5 Ad Cliff Swallow                  2.80     Sup          (8-1-5-2)   $1,095.00                                                     
2 Samboya's Blake                                                                                                                   
Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 10   Grade  A   (550)  Time: 30.59                              
Super C Woodrow  72  6 2 1 6  1 5  1 3     30.59 7.80  With Relative Ease Ins                                                       
Bringn It Home   76  1 3 2 6  2    2 3     30.82 *0.90 Closed Ground Late Ins                                                       
Raider Lincoln   75  4 5 3 7  3    3 6½    31.05 8.60  Outdueled Rival For Sh                                                       
Tatooed Tommylee 75  3 6 4 9  4    4 7     31.08 10.00 Held Steady Ins                                                              
Sweet Repeat     63  8 7 5 10 5    5 11    31.41 16.00 Never Prominent Wide                                                         
Send Condolence  80  2 1 6 12 6    6 12    31.49 9.50  Even Pace Ins                                                                
Bgr The Fighter  72  7 8 7 13 7    7 16    31.74 5.40  Failed To Respond Ins                                                        
Superior Mandy   61  5 4 8 14 8    8 17    31.79 8.40  Out Of It Early Ins                                                          
Superior Kennel's Red M 7/30/2017 Flying Titanium x Sweet On Adele                                                                  
6 Super C Woodrow   17.60   7.60    3.40     Quin        (1-6)        $14.60                                                        
1 Bringn It Home            3.00    2.20     Tri          (6-1-4)     $549.80                                                       
4 Raider Lincoln                    4.00     Sup          (6-1-4-3)   $1,314.80                                                     
3 Tatooed Tommylee                                                                                                                  
Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 11   Grade  C   (550)  Time: 30.53                              
Mw's Goofy       74  7 2 1 2  1 3  1 3½    30.53 *2.80 Never Looked Back Ins                                                        
Xb Bad Boy       66  6 3 2 2  2    2 3½    30.77 3.10  Followed Leader Thru O                                                       
T's Iron Man     70  5 5 3 5  3    3 7     31.00 5.50  Held Show Position Ins                                                       
Hashtag Fearless 62  2 1 4 6  4    4 8     31.07 8.10  Broke Dropped Back                                                           
Immortal         65  8 8 6 8  6    5 11    31.36 4.90  Never Challenged Mid                                                         
Bgr Sorcerer     76  1 7 7 9  7    6 13    31.46 5.10  Failed To Respond Ins                                                        
Jd Hysteria      79  4 4 5 7  5    7 15    31.61 16.70 Tiring In Stretch Ins                                                        
Benicio          77  3 6 8 11 8    8 17    31.73 10.30 Lagged Behinde Wide                                                          
Paws Of Fury's W Bk M 1/30/2017 Need My Moneynow x Mw's Morrigan                                                                    
7 Mw's Goofy        7.60    4.00    2.60     Quin        (6-7)        $20.00                                                        
6 Xb Bad Boy                3.80    3.40     Tri          (7-6-5)     $284.00                                                       
5 T's Iron Man                      3.20     Sup          (7-6-5-2)   $887.60                                                       
2 Hashtag Fearless                                                                                                                  
Naples - Ft Myers            Monday Mar 16 2020 Matinee        Race 12   Grade  D   (550)  Time: 31.29                              
Kb's Swinger     60  6 3 4 5  3    1 2     31.29 *2.80 Proved Best In Stretch                                                       
Monsaber Phantom 64  7 4 3 3  4    2 2     31.45 8.30  Almost Up At Wire                                                            
Ratchet          78  4 2 2 2  1 1  3 2½    31.46 4.30  Outdashed Late Costly                                                        
Bgr The Outlaw   71  3 6 8 12 8    4 3     31.49 4.50  Despite Trouble 1st Tu                                                       
Jt's Carbon Copy 70  5 7 7 10 6    5 3½    31.53 5.00  Not Far Off Late                                                             
Baby Julie       59  8 8 5 6  5    6 4     31.55 5.40  Within Striking Distan                                                       
Rams Stella      62  2 1 1 2  2    7 4     31.57 14.90 Set Pace Lacked Bottom                                                       
Mac's Kayleigh   69  1 5 6 8  7    8 6     31.69 7.20  Followed Pack In                                                             
Oxbow-trow's Bk. F 3/24/2018 Gigawatt x Hs Nola                                                                                     
6 Kb's Swinger      7.60    5.20    2.80     Quin        (6-7)        $44.20                                                        
7 Monsaber Phantom          11.00   6.20     Tri          (6-7-4)     $315.40                                                       
4 Ratchet                           4.00     Sup          (6-7-4-3)   $1,281.30                                                     
3 Bgr The Outlaw                             Pick Three (                                                                           
Handle $104,927.00